By Ludwig, Ernest E.. Houston, Texas Gulf Publishing Company 1964 . 3 ts.
Place Hold on Applied process design for chemical and petrochemical plants
By Clauser, H.R.. Barcelona Editorial Labor 1970 . 819 p.
Place Hold on Diccionario de materiales y procesos de ingeniería
By Guajardo A., Patricio. Santiago Sociedad Nacional de Minería 2000 . pp. 27-34
Place Hold on Gestión de calidad: "un camino hacia la excelencia operacional"
By Murphy, Walter J.. New York Reinhold Publishing Corporation 1957 . 5 ts.
By Fleury, Charles. Paris H. Dunod et E. Pinat 1919 . 545 p.
By Landau, Ralph. New York Reinhold Publishing Corporation 1966 . 327 p.
Place Hold on The chemical plant: from process selection to commercial operation